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Understanding Other Cultures through Travel
Adventures / My Adventures in a Muslim Village
What is it like to be a modern American woman (a 50-year-old
businesswoman and a women’s empowerment advocate) and live in a
Muslim village? Get a firsthand view—and lots of pictures—from Sunni’s
journey into the rural heart of a Middle Eastern country and into the hearts
of its village people. There out of love, she encountered a lifestyle that felt
200 years behind ours and discovered the truth about what we all want.
Talk includes a copy of Sunni's book about the experience, Diary of a
Turkish Wedding for each attendee. She lived the experience and she lived
to tell about it!
Duration: 30–60 minutes
Fee: Negotiable, but includes one copy of Sunni's book Diary of a Turkish Wedding for each participant.
Equipment Needed: Computer, projector, and screen for the photo tour. Sunni will bring a flash drive containing the slideshow or send the Power Point in advance. She can bring her computer if necessary.
Options: Add an autographing session after the program.
Travel Safe, Travel Light
Three decades ago Sunni traveled Europe alone for three years with one suitcase, sparking a life of adventures and travel that hasn’t stopped! She continues to travel and stays informed and practiced on how to be safe and more importantly…how to enjoy herself on the road and out in the world!
What do you need to know to travel safe now? Sunni shares resources and knowledge on being safe, lightening your load, overcoming your fears, and empowering yourself for your own escapades!
The talk includes a copy of Sunni's book Mirror, Mirror: The Law of Attraction in Action—Grand Adventures on a Journey to Empowerment for each person in attendance.
Duration: 30-60 min
Fee: Negotiable, but includes one copy of book Mirror, Mirror for each participant.
Notes: Great for women’s organizations, book clubs, travel groups
60-minute presentation can include how to pack for a 2-week trip with one roll-on suitcase.
Add an autographing session after the program.
How to Get What You Want NOW
It’s easier than you think! How would you like to escape the ongoing cycle of struggle and fear? Learn how to set a clear intention and begin creating a better life.
Many people know how to get their job done and the chores done, but not how to get what they really want out of life. Take the next step and have Sunni show you how setting a clear intention puts you on the right path to the life of your dreams.
A Master Life Coach and Transformational Action Coach, Sunni has been leading these “Laws of Attraction in Action” workshops for 30 years, empowering thousands of people to enjoy life more.
Duration: 30-45 min (talk); 2-3 hours (workshop)
Fee: Negotiable, but workshop fee can include a DVD of the entire 2-hour workshop so that you can share what you’ve learned, step by step, with your spouse, children, friends—anyone. Build a better life together!
Talk includes a short worksheet for audience members to fill out.
Workshop takes participants through the entire manifestation process and puts into action what they want to attract in the next month.
Discover the Goddess Within You /
Discover the Goddess You Already Are
You’ve heard about the Greek and Roman goddesses…well, they are still operating in our lives!
Consider the Athenas you know: Lawyers, CPAs, business mogols, executives, school administrators, and department heads. Then there are the Artemises: Veterinarians, EMTs, fitness trainers, gym teachers, and nature preserve workers. What about you? Perhaps you’re a Demeter, Hestia, Aphrodite, Hera, Persephone, or more likely...your own striking combination.
Learn about all eight of the goddess archetypes and understand more about yourself and your strengths in the world. You will also come to better appreciate your mom, sisters, daughters, and girlfriends so bring them along!
In the workshop format, each woman takes a quiz to discover her highest scores among the goddess types. Sunni explains what the combination of your top three goddess types means for you in terms of your relationship and career needs.
Based on the book Goddesses in Everywoman by Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D., psychiatrist and archetypal psychologist.
Duration: 30-45 min (talk); 90 minutes-2 hours (workshop)
Fee: Negotiable
Notes: Great for women’s groups, bachelorette parties, birthday parties with the girls, book clubs, women’s conferences