"I am still reading Mirror, Mirror and really enjoying your book. So much of it resonates with me and I've been using my highlighter a lot! Your manifestations are so inspirational to me.
I've decided to take the big leap and I'm going to teach pre-school Sunday school at my church! I'm a little awestruck that I'm going to be able to do this; it is another HUGE breakthrough for me. I would never have been able to do this before. I know that meeting you and reading your book has played no small part in my being able to teach. It was a distant dream that has finally become a reality. It's something I've thought about over the years, and I know I would have been an awesome teacher, but was never able to follow through on it for a multitude of reasons. I would love to be able to leave my job before I'm 60 and teach for a career. Teaching on Sundays will tell me if I want to do it for a career or once a week. All I would need is to complete my bachelors degree, which is easily obtainable before I retire.
You are such an incredible inspiration. Just having one session with you has changed my life tremendously. There are few people I know (OK, scratch that, there isn't really anybody) that understands living a full, joyous life the way you do. I wouldn't consider my life to be joyous and full, yet, but I know that I'm on the right path and I know that you've played no small part in changing that. Thanks for the boost. "
"I have greatly benefited from Sunni's Miracle Manifestation Class in the following ways:
1. I developed a sense of deserving prosperity and abundance.
2. I learned and began to practice the universal benefits of giving and receiving.
3. I experienced how love and acceptance can open the doors to miracles.
4. I see miracles happen when we are ready to receive them. I am now ready for the miracle that life has to offer me."
—H.Robert Dittmer, teacher
"The 9 magic meridians of the EFT is an easy method to get rid of immediate fears or stress.The daily worksheets of the 15-minute Miracle Manifestation workbook gave me new awareness of myself and brought to mind the things needing change now."
—Eileen Bodob, author
"The benefits I have experienced the this class are:
1. A more positive attitude.
2. More love for my life.
3. Instant manifestations, with some in progress.
4. A jump start in getting my courage back to face fears.
5. A quick process to eliminate fears. This helped me to clear major fears with relationships. I manifested a male relationship and am actively working out many fears and have been making healthy new friendships with the people in class.
My friends have noticed the difference in me. One friend said, “I Want What You’ve Got”
—Debra Mueller
"Sunni’s class has made me a happier person with more awareness of miracles that happen in my life. It helped me to learn the law of attraction and see it working in my life. The biggest difference is noticing that 'doing' (remembering) There is Only Love between us miraculously turns things from negative to positive magically."
—Jim Larsen, store manager
"Miracle Manifestation showed me how easy it is to do creative journaling that gets results in my life. The one-minute miracle (EFT) really works."
—Kathy Scherer, author
"The Miracle Manifestation class made my spiritual practice more personal and integrated it into my everyday life (not just theory anymore). It has greatly increased my level of joy and gratitude. Manifestations have happened so fast I am almost out of breath! A terrible situation resolved almost miraculously. I got offered my dream job…to create the way that I want. My relationship with the man in my life has gotten much better and clearer and my energy has increased."
—Susan Mingesz, treatment center director