Love Lesson #2: Magic Genie

The second in our Wednesday series...a testimonial from a former client...
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Working with Sunni as a coach is like working with a magic genie...
On March 9, 2012, I felt compelled to attend a networking meeting for women only. The
speaker that evening was Sunni Boehme, sharing the topic: The Goddess Within You.
She was a captivating speaker, with great examples of real life to draw in the audience.
At the end she told of her business as a life coach, and gave an offer for the first session of coaching with her. You should know that at this point I was a shy, meek, person with low-self- esteem. Going to meetings like this alone, was way out of my boundaries. As Sunni offered this life coaching session, a small voice inside my head kept telling me to “follow through.” I approached her and made an appointment to meet with her in two weeks.
As I anticipated the meeting, I tried to think of ways to cancel, and not follow through, but the message was strong for me to continue. I met with Sunni March 23, 2012. She shared more stories of her life, and asked me many questions about mine. She explained what manifesting was, and how she could help me to manifest the life I wanted. I was skeptical, but as a believer in God, I knew Sunni was put into my life for a reason, and I should take full advantage of it.
She sent me home with a book to read, The Power of the Subconscious Mind, and an
assignment to watch a video called Wishes Fulfilled by Wayne Dyer. I devoured this
information and was drawn into this new relationship with myself--and with God.
At our next meeting we went through some goals that I wanted to accomplish, and how to work on more self-esteem. I went home and began my homework of getting these goals into a subconscious state of my mind.
I was going through a divorce at this time. I was separated from my husband, but he still lived in the house. There was a lot of tension in the family, which stressed everyone in the household very much. Sunni helped me through this stressful time with her manifestations written specifically for me and my situation. After a few more meetings, I was able to handle all that was to come with this divorce situation.
Little did I know what God had planned for me through these manifestations. On May 22 I was granted a divorce with a fair and equitable settlement. Just one week before this my father passed away. During the divorce hearing, my attorney was wise enough to have my ex-husband swear under oath that he would not feel entitled to any portion of any inheritance that there might be. My dad had lived in San Diego, so my brother and I had to go there to settle his affairs. We left the evening of May 22 . We grew up somewhat estranged from our father, so we had no idea what we were walking into.
When we arrived at his condo we found the living will, leaving everything he owned to my brother and me. This meant all of his possessions, IRAs, condo, truck, etc. A few weeks back my 15½ year old daughter who was anticipating her driver’s license had said that she would like a small truck to drive. I told her to imagine herself driving a truck and to keep repeating to herself: I drive a small truck when I get my driver’s license. My dad’s truck was perfect for her! My brother and I decided that Ellie could have it. As we took care of my dad’s affairs for those four days, we formed a new bond between us that had been broken by my previous marriage. We were also able to quickly acquire a real estate agent and list our dad’s condo before we returned to Milwaukee.
The following week we had four offers for the condo in the three days it was on the market. We accepted an offer that was $1,000 over the asking price. My daughter and I planned a trip back to San Diego in July to meet the movers, and have our dad’s possessions that we wanted moved back home. We planned to drive the truck back, taking our time and sightseeing along the way.
During this time also, we had our own home on the market. We had an offer in 25 days for $415,000, which we quickly accepted. The potential buyers had a home inspection done, which revealed some repairs that would need to be made. The buyers backed out of the offer. The repairs the inspector found were the siding on the house, he said it all needed to be replaced because it was a specific name brand of siding that had been in a class action law suit, and it appeared that the masonry chimney was leaning away from the house, so we would need a foundation expert to excavate around the footings of the chimney to see why it was leaning. After several estimates from so called experts, it was going to be $40,000-$50,000 to make these repairs.
I went to see Sunni for another meeting, and she gave me the name of a home construction expert. He came to our home and inspected it, and said some of the siding would need to be replaced because it was holding moisture, but that the majority of it was sound. He called several banking institutions to see if they would grant a loan for a house with this type of siding, and they all said yes, they would. As for the chimney he checked with a plumb line to see if it was leaning. It wasn’t leaning at all. Just the siding trim boards had loosened up by the chimney, making it appear as if it was leaning. The repairs were done quickly, and perfectly with ease for only $1975.00. I was so grateful.
My daughter and I set out for San Diego. I had met a few of my dad’s friends when my brother and I were there, so when one of them offered to pick us up from the airport, we accepted. While we were there this friend of my father’s took us out to breakfast, and gave us a gift card to a restaurant in Coronado. Another friend of my father’s invited us to their home for dinner. We had a great time getting to know these people that loved my father.
After the condo was cleared out, we set out on our journey back to Milwaukee with the truck. We drove to the Hoover Dam, the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, and through Monument Valley to Telluride, Colorado. Then we went to Colorado Springs, and straight home from there. I had never dreamed I would have the confidence to do something like this with just me and my daughter. I was responsible for everything that happened during this time, and was truly able
to handle it all with ease. When we were going to Telluride, I was hoping for some social activity, and a nice, inexpensive place to stay. We found a very nice condo for $99 per night, and there was music in the village below, with wonderful food, and lots of people. We had a delightful evening enjoying all of this. Telluride is a very expensive place for visitors. They are known for their ski hills, and many celebrities that go there.
When we arrived back home, it was time for me to start a new job that I had been manifesting for with Sunni. I wanted a position that would increase my income by $2,000 and allow me to work closer to home. I began working, and was given many extra hours for the remainder of July and August, thus increasing my income by $2,000.
I also have my own business doing home staging and interior design. Sunni has helped me to acquire several new clients, one of which was able to sell their house the first day it was on the market to the second people who came to see it. The real estate agent even listed it for $10,000 more than he thought he could get for it. Since then, I have had other clients, and am working on my business more. Last year I had maybe five clients the entire year. This year I have had five new clients in the last two months. I have also been able to develop a plan to work with a real estate agent who would like to improve some properties. I receive compensation for my work, as well as a commission on any flooring materials that they purchase from my wholesaler.
Yesterday I opened the mail, and there was a check made out to me for $974.00 from the US Treasury. It was a bereavement check for my father’s passing. This was totally unexpected. The following week my father’s IRA was transferred to my checking account for over $12,000. I am so blessed. Just as this happened the hot water heater went out in my house that is for sale. I easily had it replaced, and paid for with no worries about where the money was going to come from.
The condo has closed and I have opened a checking account for my dad’s estate.
My dad’s estate will settle soon. My brother and I will divide the assets in half. With the divorce, my Dad’s passing, selling my own house, and starting a new job, my life has been crazy. But I realize this is truly Divine Order, and that God will not give me more than I can handle. The cross country trip wouldn’t have been possible at any other time. The truck came at the perfect time, and the inheritance came at the perfect time. As sad as I am that my father passed away and I was unable to tell him that I loved him, I am grateful that he went in peace, and did not suffer. He could have died anytime, but this timeline was Divine.
So many things continue to happen.
I am so grateful I signed up for a miracle adventure in life with Sunni.